Location and Hours!
[03/2024] Great News! Our center is fully staffed and here to help you Start, Grow and Thrive!
We have a team of knowledgeable, motivated, and helpful Business Advisors ready to work with you any whatever your business needs.
Our hours are 9:00-5:00, Monday – Friday. Occasionally we find ourselves unable to be in the office during those hours. This is usually because we are attending off-site meetings. If you find us away from our desks, please feel free to call and leave a voicemail message: (707) 445-9720 or send us an email: admin@northcoastsbdc.org
[3/17/2022] Alert! During our interim staff transition period, this spring, emails and voicemails are being checked and returned daily Monday – Friday. However the North Coast SBDC headquarters office in Eureka will be open for limited live call and walk-in hours on:
- Tuesdays 9 am to 12 pm
- Wednesdays 9 am to 12 pm
- Thursdays 9 am to 12 pm
[6/3/2022] Your North Coast SBDC is so happy to announce our two new offices in Eureka and Crescent City! Please replace any old addresses in your database with the new locations below.
The Grove Building, 317 Third Street, Suite 12. Tel (707) 445-9720

Crescent City
Mason Mall, 1080 Mason Mall, Suite 8/9. Tel (707) 464 2168
Note: We hope to be able to staff the Crescent City office part time soon, but currently visits to the Del Norte office are by appointment only. We are happy to welcome you for scheduled business advising in person.

Visit Us in Eureka By Appointment!
We are hosting one-to-one consulting sessions and welcoming (masked) visitors to our Eureka office by appointment as well.
30 Minute Quick Help Appointments
Do you need to come to our Eureka office in-person for administrative help: signing up for counseling services or workshops, filling out various forms, getting printed copies of start-up information, etc? Or for a quick informational conversation about your current or future business? [Reminder: for a full consulting session with one of our business advisors contact us at 707-445-9720 210 or admin@northcoastsbdc.org.]
Please read:
We are happy to welcome you for an unscheduled walk-in if we can, however our staff is small and may be booked when you arrive, so it’s best to schedule in advance. We have staff in the Eureka office Monday through Thursday, and everyone works from home on Fridays.
Thank you for using this appointment system so we can ensure we limit the number of people in the office at the same time. We encourage you to wear a mask, and we are happy to provide one when you arrive.