Looking forward: Business Planning to get that Loan (Business Capital Series 2022)
Event Details
Do you know what lenders and investors are looking for in a business plan? Want to bounce around some questions and ideas with an expert?
Join us for a hands-on workshop for loan applicants and startups who want to prepare a loan-worthy business plan.
Taught by business finance expert and North Coast SBDC business advisor Paul Bozzo.
The Summer 2022 Small Business Capital Series is generously sponsored by the Redwood Region Economic Development Commission (RREDC).

Alert! This is not a typical webinar. Please come ready to ask questions and participate actively! If you would like to watch webinars or recordings that involve one-direction teaching please visit upcoming Training Events or the NorCal SBDC library of on-demand webinars.
Remember to also sign up for the rest of the events in the summer Business Capital series!
Looking forward: Financial Projections to Get That Loan – Wednesday, August 3rd – 5:30 to 7 pm. Business lenders expect you to estimate your future income, expenses, and cash flow. Do you have questions about the best way to do that? Bring your questions to this hands-on workshop for in-business loan applicants and start-ups. We will focus on the ins and outs of profit & loss forecasting and cash flow projections. |
Equity for Your Business – Wednesday, August 10th – 5:30 to 7 pm. Join this interactive workshop exploring the pros and cons of raising investments and contributions. Get an overview of how to raise equity from investors large and small. Learn about the two types of crowdfunding and what makes crowdfunding campaigns successful. Bring your questions! |
Winning the Credit Score Game – Wednesday, August 17th – 5:30 to 7 pm. What are lenders looking for in a credit score? How can you make small adjustments and decisions that have a big impact on your score? What are your options if your credit is iffy but your business loan application should still be funded? |