Cutting Edge Small Farm Tech (Farm Business Series 2021)
Event Details
Learn about cutting-edge farm-specific e-commerce platforms to modernize your operation and reach new customers.
Experts from The California Alliance of Family Farmers Tech Hub will provide insights into ecommerce trends to help you broaden your e-toolbox to establish or improve on your CSA management, integrate platforms for agrotourism and farmstays, and develop or improve on online sales systems and learn how to smoothly integrate your existing social media accounts and website into your ecommerce site(s). Featured local and non-local farmers will share lessons about technology-based solutions that have solved their direct marketing challenges.
This workshop welcomes all types of food farmers, ranchers, and dairy-folk from the North Coast.
Elizabeth Vaughan, CAFF Farm to Market Tech Hub Specialist. Elizabeth works to identify solutions that make purchasing local foods more convenient, accessible and competitive. Her education is in business economics from UC Santa Barbara and sustainable horticulture from Cuyamaca College. Her experiences range from working alongside Ugandan farmers during her Peace Corps service, influencing over $30 million in farm to institution annual sales across Southern California, and stewarding her family’s five-acre ranch located in San Diego County.
Alicia Baddorf is a Contractor with the Small Farm Tech Program at CAFF, providing technical support to farmers seeking ecommerce and technology solutions to streamline their sales. She is also currently the Sales Manager at Capay Valley Farm Shop, a community and farmer-owned food hub in Esparto, CA. Over the past ten years, Alicia has worn many hats at several nonprofit and for-profit diversified organic farms, including farming, and working in sales, marketing and food safety.
Please register by noon on the day of the event.
The 2021 Small Farm Business Series is offered through the North Coast Small Business Development Center in proud collaboration with the North Coast Growers Association.