How to sell your business to your employees
Event Details
Are you one of the 60% of legacy business owners on the North Coast who say that selling their business to their employees in the next 2-15 years is a strong exit option? This webinar is for you.
Are you exploring worker-ownership and want to learn about the buy-out process from the legacy owner’s perspective? This is also for you!
Join Project Equity and North Coast SBDC for a discussion about how a transition to employee ownership may be a strategy for you to strengthen your business and plan for your succession on your own terms and timeline.
Employee ownership can take one of several legal structures and is incredibly adaptable to virtually any industry and circumstances. Employee ownership increases engagement and encourages ingenuity among workers – which are key formulas to long-term business resiliency and success, no matter what the future should hold.
You will learn:
* What employee ownership is and why it may be an option for the next stage of your business’s life cycle
* Forms of broad-based employee ownership and how a business become employee owned
* Ways employee ownership may be leveraged to attract and retain a talented and loyal workforce
* How Project Equity, in partnership with North Coast SBDC, can help you evaluate your business succession and legacy options
Small business owners can sign-up for a no-cost 45 minute private feasibility consultation by Zoom with Donna Sky of Project Equity that afternoon March 22nd at 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, or 4:15 Contact Leila Roberts at 571-331-0932 or with your availability.
Or if you need to talk with Donna another time, schedule that here: